DEC 2023 Board Meeting Minutes





December 5, 2023

4:30 P.M.


  1. Call to order: 4:30 P.M.
  2. Roll Call
    1. Charles Patten, Chairperson: present
    2. Emory Walden, Vice-Chairperson: present
    3. Anne Parker: present
    4. Lorraine Webb: present
    5. Dick Forrester: present
  • Public Comments
    1.  None
  1. Approval of Agenda
    1. Webb moved to approve the agenda.
    2. Walden seconded the motion.
    3. Vote: all in favor.
  2. Recommended Consent Agenda
    1. Approval of Minutes Nov 7, 2023 and Nov 14, 2023
      1. Ms. Parker moved to approve the minutes as presented.
      2. Mr. Forrester seconded the motion.
  • Vote: all in favor.
  1. Discussion Items
    1. 2024 Budget
      1. Mrs. Rudolph updated the Board on the status of the 2024 Budget.
    2. Special Election posted
      1. Mrs. Rudolph updated the Board on the status of the Bond Referendum Special Election legal notice for March 2024.
    3. December GAVREO Conference
      1. Mrs. Rudolph shared all of the necessary information for the December conference.
    4. Discuss and implement POLICY DECISIONS relative to BER Employees and policies
      1. Mr. Patten brought about policy decision 05-03 to make sure that the office is implementing this policy.
      2. Mrs. Rudolph stated that we already have and will continue to do so.
  • Mr. Patten brought about a discussion regarding policy decision 06-03.
  1. Mr. Forrester inquired about party membership being displayed on vehicles, clothing, etc. during elections.
  2. Mrs. Rudolph stated that the direction of the Secretary of States office has been that the party itself is not campaign material, but rather any name on the ballot in any given election.
  3. Mr. Patten questioned in particular the campaign signs for a particular candidate being displayed in a yard or bumper for employees, rather temporary or permanent.
  • The Board discussed the policy stating that this campaigning restriction was in regards to employees and not member of the families or household members of the same, and that the policy did not restrict those members, since they are not employed by the Board of Elections. However, if all members of the same household were employed by the BER, this policy would restrict the household from campaigning on personal property.
  • Business and Information from Board Members and Staff
    1. Forrester: none
    2. Walden: none
    3. Parker: none
    4. Webb: none
    5. Patten: none
    6. Rudolph: none
  • Adjourn: 5:00 PM
    1. Walden moved to adjourn the meeting.
    2. Forrester seconded the motion.
    3. Vote: all in favor



_______________________________                                  ______________________________

Kimberly Rudolph                                                                                  Charles Patten

Supervisor Election and Registration                                                Chairperson